понедельник, 2 июня 2008 г.

Jojoba oil made my acne worse and how to get rid of terrible acne fast

You have probably noticed that with most soaps and washes available in the market, it is difficult to remove all the oil on the skin without over-drying or irritating it. I would also always feel an oily residue especially round the T zone (middle forehead to nose and chin). A lot of what you try even leaves a waxy feeling. That contributes to blocking the pores and causing breakouts in many people.
I can speak from experience when I say that food causes acne! But why does food cause acne? And which ones?
So, like most acne sufferers I was stuck in a frustrating situation in being forced to have an acne condition that was destroying my self-confidence. That was until I explored the link between food and acne that the acne companies DON'T want you to know about...
tags: natural remedies for acne and scarring, how to get rid of acne and pimple marks, exposed acne

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